Design Thinking is a multidisciplinary user-centric approach, that can be applied to any domain, to enable innovative development of products, services and concepts.
"As a style of thinking, it is generally considered the ability to combine empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of insights and solutions, and rationality to analyze and fit solutions to the context." Wikipedia
Over the years I've collaborated/led all three phases with talented people from IDEO, Google, Interval Research, Stanford University, Adaptive Path and Cooper Design using methods based on the design thinking structure championed by IDEO, Stanford’s d.school and Cooper Design.
Understanding the problem space through observation of the people to whom you are designing, and/or personal immersion in the actual problem.
I have applied this @Cooper Design, WebEx, Google and Deutsche Bank in India, Singapore, Hong Kong, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Ireland and the Netherlands across multiple sectors.
When you speak to extreme users their needs are amplified and their work-arounds are often more noticeable, helping you draw meaningful needs that may not be visible with an average user.
I have applied this @Google.
Visualisation technique to help draw out deep user needs using four traits: Say, Do, think and Feel.
I have applied this @Google.
Sytematic thinking about the steps and milestones in a process, to illuminate to your team key insights & findings.
I have applied this @Google.
Adaptive Path's Experience maps visualise the interconnectedness of the cross-channel experience to gain insight on service touchpoints over time and space.
Audit of compeitive or similar products to provide insights on gaps and trends in the market.
I have applied this @Cooper and WebEx.
Review of historical gathered data from customer service, analytics, click trackers and/or product management/Sales.
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, published in 1998, introduced the use of personas as a practical design tool. Personas rapidly gained popularity in the software industry due to their effectiveness in unpacking & synthesising research findings into compelling user focused needs, goals and insights.
I have applied this @Cooper, WebEx, Google and Deutsche Bank to define users in the financial sector, consumer productss, enterprise communications, in-car systems, museum goers, PC users and photo users.
Featured in Adaptive Path's workshops, MadLibs enable rapid production of vision statements for a given product or service.
I have applied this @Google during "generative" work around Google Photos (Picasa).
Developed in collaboration with Sam Felder and Henry Benjamin at Google, we devised a visual storytelling format to describe a future vision of alternate product directions.
I have created & applied this @Google
Using a 2×2 matrix, plot products, objects, motivations, people, quotes, materials to uncover relationships and provoke discussion.
I have applied this @Google
Imagine a future newspaper headline associated with your product or service launch. What are the key words you want to hear, how do you wanted to be reported on in the future?
I have applied this @Google.
Independent of design solutions, design principles provide guidelines for solutions and a communication of the design intent.
I have applied this @WebEx and Deutsche Bank.
Rapidly develop a large quantity and diversity of ideas and concepts through a "wide" rather than "focused" lens. Brainstorming can be "seeded" from: user research, business/market opportunity, competitive review, auditing your own products, analytics and team interview to uncover a catalyst for ideas to develop.
I have applied this @Interval Research, Cooper, WebEx, Google and Deutsche Bank for mixed teams.
Although the HMW process has been used at IDEO for a number of years, its origins can be traced back to Basadur and his early days as a creative manager at Procter & Gamble.
I have applied this @Google and Deutsche Bank.
Provides a reference for evaluating competing products or ideas. Fast, focused prioritisation.
I have applied this @Google to prioritize ideas and Deutsche Bank to assess an entire product portfolio.
The Kano model is a theory of product development and customer satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano which classifies customer preferences into categories: basic expectation, performance payoff and excitement generator.
I have applied this @Deutsche Bank.
Build something quick and dirty that can be shown to users.
I have applied this @Interval Research, WebEx, Google and Deutsche Bank for a range of consumer, enterprise and financial concepts.
Show the prototype to actual users and learn what works and what doesn’t work.
I have applied this @Interval Research, WebEx, Google and Deutsche Bank for product stories, paper prototypes, wireframes, concept prototypes and development builds.
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